About Me

Hello! I’m Paddy Lynch a cartoonist, educator and graphic designer from Dublin, Ireland. My work embraces and explores the complicated and often contradictory experiences that make us tick and reveal who we truly are.

My comics have been published both domestically and internationally including:


I believe strongly in the unique power of drawings to communicate ideas on an emotional level and believe we all have the ability to access this. To this end, I have facilitated workshops and taught classes in comics and zines with groups such as The Irish Writers Centre, RADE, Fighting Words, Mindfield Festival, Dublin City Libraries, Fingal County Council Libraries, Wexford County Library, and Artzone.

I am a founding member of comics collective Stray Lines, and the Dublin Comic Jam.

An important part of my practice is that I self-publish my work in comics and zines, which I do alongside work by other artists under the imprint of Cardboard Press.