Hello! I'm Paddy Lynch, a cartoonist, illustrator and graphic designer from Dublin, Ireland.

I like to make drawings and images that tell stories and communicate ideas.

Books and comics I have illustrated include: Big Jim (with Rory McConville 2013, the O'Brien Press), My Last Day at 17 (with Doug DuBois, 2015, Aperture Foundation) and my comics series Last Bus (Cardboard Press). I run the monthly Dublin Comic Jam, and publish other folks' zines and comics under the Cardboard Press imprint.


Let's work together!

email: paddy@patrickl.net
phone: 086 399 5654 (irl) or
+353 86 399 5654 (intl)
skype: patrickldub


Posts Tagged ‘blue’

In The Aquarium

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In the aquarium

A man tries to take his mind off his humdrum day job by visiting an aquarium during his lunch hour. Daydreams and anxieties collide and combine in the dimly lit corridors. A free form and open ended story that comes together after a perspective shift in the middle of the comic.

Paddy Lynch is a very talented cartoonist with an eye for body language whose comics tend to be observational character pieces… Lynch’s loose, agitated line ably captures the protagonist’s state of mind.Paddy Brown, on PaulGravette.com

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