Hello! I'm Paddy Lynch, a cartoonist, illustrator and graphic designer from Dublin, Ireland.

I like to make drawings and images that tell stories and communicate ideas.

Books and comics I have illustrated include: Big Jim (with Rory McConville 2013, the O'Brien Press), My Last Day at 17 (with Doug DuBois, 2015, Aperture Foundation) and my comics series Last Bus (Cardboard Press). I run the monthly Dublin Comic Jam, and publish other folks' zines and comics under the Cardboard Press imprint.


Let's work together!

email: paddy@patrickl.net
phone: 086 399 5654 (irl) or
+353 86 399 5654 (intl)
skype: patrickldub


New Illustrations

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New work up on the illustration site today. I did two covers for the leCool Dublin newsletter which went out over the last two weeks as well as accompanying interviews and pics. The most recent one can be seen above. Thanks to Ciaran for the nice questions. leCool is a deadly listings newsletter operating from several cities worldwide. Dublin has had it’s own leCool for about 6 months now. 

Also a portrait of Cliff Burton, the former Metallica bassist who’s anniversary was last month, went up on drop-d at the end of September.

Loads happening here regarding comics, but not much I can mention ’til I get the details confirmed. Don’t forget Irish 24 Hour Comics Day is happening this Saturday and Sunday in the Central Hotel, Dublin. Cliodhna has plenty planned as can be seen from the revamped site. Should be a good buzz alright. 

More illustrations below the cut.