Hello! I'm Paddy Lynch, a cartoonist, illustrator and graphic designer from Dublin, Ireland.

I like to make drawings and images that tell stories and communicate ideas.

Books and comics I have illustrated include: Big Jim (with Rory McConville 2013, the O'Brien Press), My Last Day at 17 (with Doug DuBois, 2015, Aperture Foundation) and my comics series Last Bus (Cardboard Press). I run the monthly Dublin Comic Jam, and publish other folks' zines and comics under the Cardboard Press imprint.


Let's work together!

email: paddy@patrickl.net
phone: 086 399 5654 (irl) or
+353 86 399 5654 (intl)
skype: patrickldub


Sorry Entertainer

"Park Rules State", opening panel

Back in February I put together a short strip for the Sorry Entertainer newspaper anthology curated by two wonderful Bristolians(?) Simon Moreton and Nick Souček. You can see the first frame of it (doing my best Eddie Campbell impression) above.

With contributers like (current personal favourite) Noah Van Sciver, David Ziggy Greene (check out this great strip), Lauren Barnett, and loads more, I think it’s gonna be a really good anthology. They have recently launched an indiegogo site to raise funds for the printing and I urge you to throw a few pennies their way.

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