Cryptic comics, new illustrations

the first panel from a recent comic

Here’s a short 3 page story that I did for the 2D anthology last June. The theme was ‘fear’. Make of it what you will, there’s an actual connection in there, but maybe it’s too cryptic.

Comic production has been slow lately, my day job has been taking up larger amounts of my time than normal, positively stopping my comics work in its tracks. I have been doing some small illustration gigs here, there and a couple of other places which I’ll put up when they go to print.

Anyway “Leap”, under the cut:



2 responses to “Cryptic comics, new illustrations”

  1. Any plans to reprint this in another Stop Gap style mini? Really enjoyed it and the other titles I got from you at summer edition.

    1. Hey Darren, thanks a million for the kind words. Yeah, I’m thinking that “Stop Gap” might be an annual (or at least semi-regular) mini comic project for collecting my anthology contributions. I kinda like the way the shorter stories hang together, as they can sometimes be a bit lost in between a all the different styles that crop up in anthologies.

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