Category: comics stuff
The Writers Blog Tour
Alan Nolan recently nominated me to partake in The Writers Blog Tour. The idea is that everyone answers four seemingly innocuous questions about their work and process and then nominates several others to take up the baton. Here are my answers. What am I working on? After a period inactivity I’m happy to be back…
Big Jim get’s launched
Come one, come all. Everyone’s welcome.
2D 2013
I recently got my first invitation to appear at a comics festival as an actual bona fide guest and I see they’ve announced it officially on their facebook page. The 2D Festival is a wonderful event that has been in existence since 2007 (I think). It’s based in the beautiful walled city of Derry/Londonderry in…
Stray Lines is Now Available!
Back in July I ran a successful Fundit campaign to help fund the printing of an anthology that I curated. The resultant book Stray Lines, features new work from Philip Barrett, Barry Hughes, Gus Hughes, Chris Judge & Andrew Judge, and me. It has since been published and has been available on the Cardboardpress site…
Back to work!
Back on the Jim Larkin project! Finally (almost) cleared my desk of ongoing headaches and can get to the corrections and making changes to the first draft.. Rough rough pencils from a panel redrafted right at the start of the book. Also the Stray Lines project is going really well. Get on over there…