Dublin Comic Jam!, Free Anthology and more 24 Hour Comic News

A few of us have got together and started a monthly comic jam here in Dublin. We meet up in the Lord Edward have a few drinks, pass pieces of paper around and deflect questions from confused punters about the nature of our pastime. Check out the blogspot that’s been set up so we can post the results. As it says: you’re allowed to laugh. Email us at the address on the blog if you want to get involved.

I got an email from Cliodhna with the image above attached. 24 hours of craziness – if you define crazy as sitting in a room in the Central Hotel drawing furiously for 24 consecutive hours. It is right beside one of the nicest bars in Dublin, though.

If you’re around pop in for a chat, a pint or just to cheer us on. Oh dear ..

Finally, I see Declan Shalvey has posted this great image on his blog

It’s the artwork for the Irish Free Comics Anthology which, fingers crossed, will be printed and available completely free of charge on Saturday 18th October 2008. That’s 24 Hour Comics day. It’s got brand new work by me and some other folks that I mentioned in my last post. It’s gonna be great.


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