Hello! I'm Paddy Lynch, a cartoonist, illustrator and graphic designer from Dublin, Ireland.

I like to make drawings and images that tell stories and communicate ideas.

Books and comics I have illustrated include: Big Jim (with Rory McConville 2013, the O'Brien Press), My Last Day at 17 (with Doug DuBois, 2015, Aperture Foundation) and my comics series Last Bus (Cardboard Press). I run the monthly Dublin Comic Jam, and publish other folks' zines and comics under the Cardboard Press imprint.


Let's work together!

email: paddy@patrickl.net
phone: 086 399 5654 (irl) or
+353 86 399 5654 (intl)
skype: patrickldub


Creator Owned Day #CreatorOwnedDay

Danno Kirwan sketch

So March 1st is officially ‘Creator Owned Day‘ in the comics world, a day where artists post characters of their own creation on their websites, so in the spirit of solidarity, here’s a rather quick sketch of Daniel ‘Danno’  Kirwan. – a confused and angry young man of 23 who ‘works’ as a self appointed security guard down his local Chinese takeaway. He’ll be the focus of my next self-penned story which will be going into a very special anthology that I’m very excited about. It’s still a bit too early to announce any more details, but I’m excited. I’ll leave it at that.

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