Hello! I'm Paddy Lynch, a cartoonist, illustrator and graphic designer from Dublin, Ireland.

I like to make drawings and images that tell stories and communicate ideas.

Books and comics I have illustrated include: Big Jim (with Rory McConville 2013, the O'Brien Press), My Last Day at 17 (with Doug DuBois, 2015, Aperture Foundation) and my comics series Last Bus (Cardboard Press). I run the monthly Dublin Comic Jam, and publish other folks' zines and comics under the Cardboard Press imprint.


Let's work together!

email: paddy@patrickl.net
phone: 086 399 5654 (irl) or
+353 86 399 5654 (intl)
skype: patrickldub


The Small Business Fairy

smallbusinessfairy2 smallbusinessfairy1 smallbusinessfairy_flat_nobanner
We Speak In Code 5
The Thin Air, Not Gospel illustration
The Frozen Field
the world is coming together poster
Murder Plan - Drinking With the Devil Poster Illustration
Stray Lines
Big Jim cover
the wishing well
Ilustrated avatars
theclap statics ul poster
Mob rule
PPSG leaflet 2
Other Days
TKO the keystone
leCool Dublin covers
Barl for the Park
Last Bus issue2
PUNT illustrations
Independents Day 2010
In the Aquarium
Free Irish Comicbook Day 2010
Murder Plan poster
Last Bus issue one cover
All work © 2024 Paddy Lynch | Contact: +353 (86) 399 5654, paddy[at]patrickl.net |